All tagged uncertainty

What To Say and Feel When Everything's Being Said & Felt

All of this being said, I have been extremely hesitant to even give an opinion or take on the situation, or how to deal with it, since I feel like the public, myself included, is kind of tired of the influx of “be kind to your neighbors!” sentiments. Don’t get me wrong, I love to see people supporting people. It has been amazing to watch everyone utilizing their voices for good! Thing is, little of these messages have really stuck with me or changed my perspective in terms of how I am navigating this time.

Learning To Use Change For My Betterment And Finding Purpose In The In Between

Like lifting weights or building our endurance, putting ourselves in situations that take us out of our comfort zones, force us to develop new skills or traits, allow us to come into contact with different people or things, push us to take on new roles, or alter our perspectives or beliefs, are all ways to strengthen our abilities to relate to more people, sympathize and even empathize with others, and have an armory of experience under our belts to fall back on when we are confronted by conflict or uncertainty in the future.