All in Diary

From Chapter To Chapter: Becoming Proud Of My Steps In A Blind World

To be honest, I think part of this loss of wonder is just a part of growing up and starting to really feel the complexities of responsibilities, the future, and the dynamic of self versus others on a deeper level. So I do want to acknowledge to myself that I am proud of making recent decisions to do what I know is best for who I am, but more importantly for who I will be 5, 10, 25 years from now.

A Season of Change In Stillness: In My Head On The Page

Maybe “excess” means an overload of obligations, productivity, pressure, time restraints, or priorities. On different days, I ideate this “excess” differently. But what I do know, is that a lot of what my life and mindset used to be filled with is not present now. And as an effect of this decluttering, my thoughts and greater consciousness have been illuminated. Sometimes it seems like they are exaggerated even.

What To Say and Feel When Everything's Being Said & Felt

All of this being said, I have been extremely hesitant to even give an opinion or take on the situation, or how to deal with it, since I feel like the public, myself included, is kind of tired of the influx of “be kind to your neighbors!” sentiments. Don’t get me wrong, I love to see people supporting people. It has been amazing to watch everyone utilizing their voices for good! Thing is, little of these messages have really stuck with me or changed my perspective in terms of how I am navigating this time.

Learning To Use Change For My Betterment And Finding Purpose In The In Between

Like lifting weights or building our endurance, putting ourselves in situations that take us out of our comfort zones, force us to develop new skills or traits, allow us to come into contact with different people or things, push us to take on new roles, or alter our perspectives or beliefs, are all ways to strengthen our abilities to relate to more people, sympathize and even empathize with others, and have an armory of experience under our belts to fall back on when we are confronted by conflict or uncertainty in the future.

February Diaries: How To Live, Grow Into, and Share The Genuine Me

It’s amazing how we as humans can change so much over time. I look back and am kind of in awe of how I have gone through many different versions of myself in the past 23 years. But I know that all of that is my story. It is not all me, it is all my story. I can forgive myself of what I have now let go of and can be grateful for where everything and everyone has led me to. I can be excited for the journey, good and bad things alike. And I am so happy becoming truly myself. I am so happy striving for the best me.

Speaking Up: Learning How To Be Assertive Alongside Selflessness

I shouldn’t believe that saying your piece or really showing your value is selfish or conceded. It can be exhibited in selfish and conceded ways! But it does not have to be practiced with selfish or conceded drivers. And someone’s underlying character or intentions completely shine through when they say their piece or act with confidence. And no one should always put themselves second because they think that their sacrifice is better for others. Because you being first is important. What you have to contribute is important.

The Benefits Of Remembering The People Who Made an Impact on My Life, Big & Small

I think it’s also worth acknowledging that if you are reminded of someone or start to think about them in the most random, unimportant instances, it means that possibly as much as you hadn’t felt anything out of the ordinary just by interacting with them in the past, they indeed did make an impact on your life just by being present in that moment where your paths crossed. The value of these instances and relationships are so much more than we often think.

Devon Sanders: Admiration For One of The Most Influential People in My Life

Devon Sanders: One of my best friends since I was 6 years old. Constantly pushing herself to do more with confidence in her opinions, ideas, and aspirations, Devon is a doer that fuels her drive from her desire to fulfill her goals and with the knowledge that she has something meaningful to contribute. She does not allow herself to be affected by judgments or barriers placed in her path by the world around her.

May 2017: A Letter to The Woman Who Raised Me

As characterized by so many, you are an amazingly caring and selfless person, but this isn’t what makes you so special. What makes you so special is your deep belief and support for others. No matter what I've wanted to pursue in life or be in life, you have always made me believe that I was special enough, overly capable enough or great enough to achieve even more than I imagined.