Devon Sanders: Admiration For One of The Most Influential People in My Life
Define: Zealous
Exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion
Full of fervor
Extreme in degree, power, or effect
Having or demonstrating an unwavering devotion toward someone or something
There are two people in this world that I consider to be my life long, unwavering, deeply rooted, best friends. And that doesn’t even begin to describe the relationships we share. Devon and Delaney Sanders, twins who came into my life at the age of 6, are even more than family to me and my parents/sister. I can say with certainty that they are absolutely a combined 50% of the person I am today. I have no doubt that they will continue to hold an extreme influence on the character I embody and type of force I am to become in the future; not only because we have a shared understanding of much of our upbringing and experiences, (which then in turn created a shared perspective on many pieces of life as a whole), but they are two people that I look up to greatly for how they treat others, combat adversity, value life’s goodness/take from it’s downfalls, and overall how they make extreme impacts.
If you were to make a pie chart of our time spent in Clear Lake growing up, it would probably look a bit like 1/4 playing at my house, 1/4 playing at Devon & Delaney’s house, 1/4 at dance with Devon & Delaney and 1/4 at school with Devon & Delaney. To be honest, before we went off to college, I can’t really talk about our lives separately because that was pretty non existent. Us three basically lived one life. Of course, there were periods where our relationships changed as we each grew different personalities and interests over the years. In elementary school, Delaney and I were much more similar in how we expressed ourselves and often Devon was on the opposite side of the argument (lol). I actually feel like Devon and I tended to butt heads a lot and Mrs.Denise, their mother, probably hated that she essentially had three kids to handle in their conflicts rather than just her two. (I’m sorry Mrs.Denise, you are a Godsend). While in middle school at our magnet program, Delaney started to be characterized as “the writer” while Devon began to take on the role of “the creative”. We started to explore what types of people we wanted to be as we lived at each other’s houses, working on projects and homework day in and day out. This was the period when Devon and Delaney’s grandmother Cynthia would push my boundaries on foods that my parents didn’t dare try to get me to like; things that a person should very reasonably eat but I was unnecessarily picky, she served at the dinner table. I attribute my larger palette and openness to the unknown to this. In high school, Devon and I started to grow closer in terms of how we thought one should accomplish things with respect for others, particularly through the dance environment. She also taught me so much about how to live with release from other’s opinions- something I desperately needed. This was around the time that Delaney started to date her boyfriend, Bailey, and romance became something the three of us started to navigate in very different ways, together.
Fast forward through college to graduation when Delaney decided to continue her digital marketing and communications career with Southwest Airlines in Dallas and Devon chose Boston College Law School for the next stop on her journey toward becoming a lawyer. In those 4 years of being at Louisiana State University, Devon ran her own jewelry company, was an LSU communications school ambassador and guide, interned as a legislative assistant at the state capitol, and worked as a contributing writer at a local magazine in Baton Rouge. All the while preparing for her LSAT and always going above and beyond to connect herself with the community on campus and further. Her ability to juggle 1000 things at once is still astonishing to me. In everything that she did and still does, she gives 110%, knowing that her voice is important. As a writer and person, Devon isn’t afraid to say what is right and just ,while also pointing out what is wrong and misconstrued- a talent I deeply respect as someone who always struggles to find the balance in relaying information fuzed with my opinion without trying to offend or disrupt order on a controversial topic. Devon says what she means but takes so much consideration for the reasoning and intentions of people around her. She does an amazing job at feeling out a room and playing to it- another talent I greatly look up to as someone who is continually trying to broaden my abilities to communicate with others.
Constantly pushing herself to do more with confidence in her opinions, ideas, and aspirations, Devon is a doer that fuels her drive from her desire to fulfill her goals with knowledge that she has something meaningful to contribute. She does not allow herself to be affected by judgments or barriers placed in her path by the world around her. She does what she knows is best for her. On the flip side, she deeply cares for the people who she considers her friends and family. She is constantly pouring into me, making sure I am okay, listening and processing the information or non important annoyances I throw her way, and is so thoughtful in how she responds and acts toward me and everyone else in every situation. She is a wonderful example of living as an individual with a strong sense of identity and purpose along with a huge heart for others. She is tender and isn’t afraid to feel the raw emotions that life brings, especially at this phase in life.
Although Devon and I have been through pretty much everything together and have grown alongside one another at all ages, I am so grateful for how we are living with one another (via Facetime and monthly trips to Boston/NYC) through the current stage in our relationship. In this stage, Devon gives me extreme grace and room to grow, consistent support and encouragement in everything I do, hard honest advice when I really need it, and the most laughs and adventure I’ve ever experienced with someone else. She makes me feel empowered and kind, while pushing me to reach for more and more because she shows me how much she believes in me; and that means the world.
Devon is going to go on to accomplish amazing things in the future, no doubt about it. But her patient heart, driven attitude, and lively spirit is what makes her such a powerful light. I admire the zeal that Devon exhibits every day as she takes on risks and rewards throughout her journey to make a difference. This chapter has been another beautiful one with her leading it in an honest and purposeful direction. I love you Devon! Please stay making fun of me!!
P.S. Delaney article coming veryyyyy soon :)
<3 Natalie