All in Health

The Benefits Of Remembering The People Who Made an Impact on My Life, Big & Small

I think it’s also worth acknowledging that if you are reminded of someone or start to think about them in the most random, unimportant instances, it means that possibly as much as you hadn’t felt anything out of the ordinary just by interacting with them in the past, they indeed did make an impact on your life just by being present in that moment where your paths crossed. The value of these instances and relationships are so much more than we often think.

The Three Keys To My Most Beneficial Mindset

Often, I contemplate the nature of my actions, and how my decisions affect everything around me; what is planned or depends on others versus what change I make just by being and doing me. Although all of this comes back to purpose and perspective, there are three specific keys to my mindset that I have found consistently create a foundation for stability and success.

Close Friends Have Said This Is My Best Kept Secret, But Secrets Are No Fun. Let's Talk: Hair!

Enough of trying to cover it up with hats, straighten it every day to hide the unappealing texture, coloring it repeatedly to match whatever the trend may be, and cutting it only to find that half of it just seems to die regardless. Dedicated to giving my hair some major re-coop time has led me to the biggest dilemma of my daily beauty routine: How to embrace my naturally curly hair.