All tagged beauty

What To Say and Feel When Everything's Being Said & Felt

All of this being said, I have been extremely hesitant to even give an opinion or take on the situation, or how to deal with it, since I feel like the public, myself included, is kind of tired of the influx of “be kind to your neighbors!” sentiments. Don’t get me wrong, I love to see people supporting people. It has been amazing to watch everyone utilizing their voices for good! Thing is, little of these messages have really stuck with me or changed my perspective in terms of how I am navigating this time.

Close Friends Have Said This Is My Best Kept Secret, But Secrets Are No Fun. Let's Talk: Hair!

Enough of trying to cover it up with hats, straighten it every day to hide the unappealing texture, coloring it repeatedly to match whatever the trend may be, and cutting it only to find that half of it just seems to die regardless. Dedicated to giving my hair some major re-coop time has led me to the biggest dilemma of my daily beauty routine: How to embrace my naturally curly hair.