All tagged change

From Chapter To Chapter: Becoming Proud Of My Steps In A Blind World

To be honest, I think part of this loss of wonder is just a part of growing up and starting to really feel the complexities of responsibilities, the future, and the dynamic of self versus others on a deeper level. So I do want to acknowledge to myself that I am proud of making recent decisions to do what I know is best for who I am, but more importantly for who I will be 5, 10, 25 years from now.

Learning To Use Change For My Betterment And Finding Purpose In The In Between

Like lifting weights or building our endurance, putting ourselves in situations that take us out of our comfort zones, force us to develop new skills or traits, allow us to come into contact with different people or things, push us to take on new roles, or alter our perspectives or beliefs, are all ways to strengthen our abilities to relate to more people, sympathize and even empathize with others, and have an armory of experience under our belts to fall back on when we are confronted by conflict or uncertainty in the future.

July 2019: Diaries From Nashville Part 1

A selection of journal entries detailing the complex emotions that came along with my time in Nashville and in my search for fulfillment. Complete with my navigation of a career that centered around my interests, these center around the time in my life when I truly had to start making decisions for my future.